Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Life and Death

My participation in the Runner's World Holiday Streak is dead! Technically, it died two days after birth but I thought I could resuscitate it. But with two days of no running I have to call time of death, 12/5/11 11:59pm. I have to say I did go ten days with only one day off. THAT IS THE LONGEST EVER!!! For me. It was nice to think I could do a month of running everyday and I had the best of intentions. I even started early! But it became a job, something I had to do. Something I dreaded. Something that hurt. I don't want running to be that. I want it to be  an escape. A way for me to think or not think, depending on the situation. Something that doesn't hurt a mile into the run.

I've changed course and have a vague training schedule worked out. Two short easy runs during the week and a long run, up to 10, on the weekend. The days I'm not running I'm going to do some cross training with Nike Training Center. It's like my own personal bootcamp on my phone. There are about 50 different programs depending on what you want to do. Small equipment, like 8lb weights, medicine ball or jump rope, is needed. But you don't need Smith Machines and everything can be done in your basement. Or outside if you don't mind voyeurs. I plan on doing this until February. At that point I'll go back to training mode. The only difference, really, would be the distance of my runs. My cross training may change to include biking and swimming at some point but not for awhile.

While The Holiday Streak lay dying in a gutter a new idea has been gestating. I mentioned it once before on here but have really taken steps to get the ball rolling. The Relay Around Columbus is in its inaugural year and I want to be there from the start. Who knows, they might get really popular and teams from the previous year will get preference at registration. In full disclosure, I've been wanting to do an ultra relay for a little over a year, ever since I saw Hood To Coast Movie and dated for a bit a guy who's done it (That didn't last long. Turns out he was not as "separated" as I was led to believe. But another silver fox and another story!). I'm in the process of getting a feel for who will be willing to be on my team and bullying those that I think SHOULD be on my team. At the moment I'm going for a 6 person team with each person running a total of about 18 miles over 3 legs. I have 3 people who are definite. 3 people who are 60%. And one person who wants to be the lowest possible alternate. I'm also willing to do the ULTRA division. This consists of 3 team members, each running about 34 miles. The 34 miles can be run (A) all at once or (B) split in two. I'd go for option B. I have one person that's 60% and another that's 40% on board with the ULTRA. The ULTRA is a last ditch effort if I can't pull a team of 6 together. I'm giving everyone till January 28 to commit or give me a % on board. If need be I can substitute runners up until the day of the run. Just finding those runners might be tough.

I will keep this mission updated with the progress but I fully expect to be involved in this race one way or another.


Meg said...

If/when I'm 100%, Brent probably is too... Oh yeah I need to email you about that ;)

CLE Runner said...

Yes. Yes you do. Also, I can't promise a spot for him on the team. Also, van room will be limited to runners and drivers. But he and the other sigs can def be our cheering section!