For me. Probably not so much for others. I'm technically on vacation for about 10 days. I officially go back to work on July 9th. For the past couple of years I've spent a week around the 4th, depending on how it fell, at my parents. Hanging out with them, my sister, and any friends that happen to be in the area. There is a quarry near by that I can swim in and lay out at, too. The other great thing about this is I get to try some of my baking recipes. I love to bake but don't do much of it anymore. It's just me at my place and I know I'd eat most if not all the goods!
This really doesn't do it justice! |
So far my vacation has been FANTASILISTIC!! I spent Friday night at a Josh Turner concert with my sister, cousin and some friends. I agreed to go to spend time with my sister and actually had to look up just who Josh Turner was. Turns out I knew exactly one song, "Firecracker."
Saturday dawned bright and early with a 3 mile run in very humid conditions. I was dripping when I got back to my parents, and it was only 3 miles!!! But with my workout done I was free to partay!!! Enter
Sandusky Bay Barge Party. A crap ton of boats anchor on/around a large sandbar in the bay and everyone parties down. There is a large barge in the middle with a band, some form of security and an MC. There were stripping contests for both men and women. Beads being thrown. Beers being passed. And random shenanigans being had! It was a long day but a great day!
One gear, 40 miles. |
Ah, Country Rides!! |
I was worried how this mornings planned 40 mile ride would go considering I made a fantastic mixed drink yesterday. I must have hydrated well on Saturday because todays ride was great. I finished 40 miles in 3 hours! I have a couple of complaints about the ride though. For me personally my feet started to hurt for the last 10 miles. They almost felt like they were burning. I had to unclip them and let them hang off and on (they're fine now). The other complaints were the flat/boringness of the ride. And, how some drivers were really nice and went completely into the other lane for me and others were complete assholes and buzzed me. One car yelled something out the window at me. I'm not sure what it was but nothing good has ever been yelled out a window at 50 miles an hour.
Now, I'm back in PJs/lounge wear and will wile away the day reading, chatting and watching tv.
Because I can!
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