I'm not quite sure where to begin. So, I'll start in the middle, go forward and pepper in funny stories from the past.

Yesterday, in Akron, I ran my 4th 1/2 marathon! 13.1 miles!! I toed up to the start line with a guy I had been seeing for about five weeks. It would be his first 1/2. In the past we had done a couple of training runs together and I knew he had a slower pace then I did. But that didn't matter, we would run the first couple of miles together and then I would break on my own. Or, that was the plan at least. Adrenaline got the best of me and fear got the best of him. He hung back for the crowd to pass and I went with the flow. That was the last I saw of him until 12 hours later. I made great time for the first 6 miles and then my legs got tired. And the chafing on my arms really started to hurt. I had put Glide on at the start but I still had to stop at the first aid stations. TWICE! If anyone knows Akron they know it's rather hilly. Mile 10 is almost all down hill and I think I averaged an 8:40 mile. Which is great, since mile 11 is a 5% hill. I decided to tackle it with a run/walk mentality but mostly run. On a short run up I felt the first twinges of a calf cramp. So, I walked and tried running again but that damn twinge was always there. I ran/walked the last 2 miles and came in with an acceptable 2:31:48. Not a PR but better then last years Akron 1/2.
Yesterdays run was full of firsts. First time I ran a race with a guy I was dating. First time I had to stop at a first aid station. First time I got a calf cramp in a race. AND.....one other first but that story is for tomorrow.
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