I have 16 days until my first full marathon in Detroit. I am petrified and definitely do not feel ready. The Akron 1/2 really shook me. I thought I was going in strong but I completely fell apart at mile11. I have done 20 mile runs and 13.1 should have been nothing. I'm hoping it was just one of those bad runs and a fluke.
It's at this point in the days running up to a big event that I start going over lists in my head; What do I need pre-race? After the race? During the race? Do I have enough Glide, GU, and Aquaphor? But most importantly, WHAT AM I GOING TO WEAR?!?!?
June, a very close friend of mine who also runs, once told me when I first started that I should buy new outfits for big events. For my first 1/2 I bought my first running skirt and fell in love with them! It was plain black and I paired it with a cotton tank. I have since learned that cotton is not a runners friend and have upgraded my tops to tech fabrics. But my first full marathon calls for a totally new outfit!
June, a very close friend of mine who also runs, once told me when I first started that I should buy new outfits for big events. For my first 1/2 I bought my first running skirt and fell in love with them! It was plain black and I paired it with a cotton tank. I have since learned that cotton is not a runners friend and have upgraded my tops to tech fabrics. But my first full marathon calls for a totally new outfit!
I will also be in a field of 14,700 runners! My parents are coming to watch (and drive me home, as I'm sure I won't be conscious) and I'm trying to make it easy for them to find me. I've put an app on my phone that will allow them to track me using my chip. *Yes, I'm giving them my phone with strict orders to only use it for the app they've been approved to use! But they lost me during the swimming portion of my TRI and that field was about 30 people. They followed some girl in a white sports bra even though I showed them my black sports bra! I therefore want something flashy! And, I think I've found it. The new outfit is in route and the only thing that will stop me from wearing it come race day would be comfort. I should have time to test it out and make a final decision before the race.

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