Consequently, I found this awesome service from KITESTRING. You sign up, put in your In Case of Emergency person, and your phone number. They then text you from a number that will onl
y be given to you. When you go out you send a text to that number with "2hr" and the company will text you in 2 hours. At that point you can give your "all clear signal" or extend the time.
HOWEVER!!! Should you fail to extend your time or give the all clear it sends a message to your ICE. Or, in my case my 3 ICEs. There is also a distress signal, should you need it.
This is all background for what went down yesterday. I went out on my first newly single date last night and used Kitestring. I also gave my mother all the info she would need. I set my account to check in on me in two hours and went on the date. It was not a great begining and an even worse end. But, I had nothing but time and had been sitting around my house all day. And I like dirty martinis. The convos aren't important but it was clear it wasn't going to go anywhere. 15min prior to my check in I extended it an hour. Then the dude and I got into a heated political debate and I paid the bill and put all my shit, including my phone, in my purse.
Side note on the bill: Dude didn't even offer to pay or give to the check. Even when I don't want to pay I still at least offer. Not this guy. I at least made up for a lot of the free drinks I've gotten in the past.
Ok, back to the story. I realize that I've been there for awhile and should probably extend my check in by at least 20min. When I pulled my phone out I had 5 missed calls, one voice mail and a text from Kitestring telling me I've missed checkin and that my ICEs have been informed. I MISSED IT BY 15MIN!!!

In the chaos the dude disappeared, apparently to the bathroom. When he came back he told me how rude I was and it did not get better when I explained about the service and what had happened. I think he was hurt that I felt the need to take such precautions. He seemed angry and said he needed to leave and get a cigarette. What I don't understand is why wouldn't everyone, even guys, use this? They're just as vulnerable as us, especially when alcohol or drugs are used to sedate them.
To top it off I ended up walking back to my car barefoot. One of my shoes broke shortly after leaving the bar and in the process twisted my ankle. I suppose it's a plus that I didn't step on glass.
1 comment:
I would ABSOLUTELY use this service. Glad it works, too bad you worried your family.
And what a jerk for not understanding. Good riddance to that one. I would've just laughed it off if I were him. Ah well.
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