This whole thing started last Tuesday, when feeling neglected and unsure of our standing, I asked Tex to call me when he got home from work. I knew he was busy with working overtime and seven days, so I left the timing of the call to him. Just that it happen at some point that day. By 8:30pm he still hadn't called and I took the initiative and called him. I had to leave a voice mail and already feeling slighted, I started to choke up. In the past I've dated some asses who thought the best way to end a relationship was to stop calling. So, I assumed this was one of those situations where he fell dick first into a random. He never struck me as that type of guy but neither had some others.
I cried for a day and then got on with my life. If he could do this then he wasn't who I thought he was and not someone I wanted. My regret, leaving my tequila, triple sec, and Tupperware at his place. By Friday I still hadn't heard anything. He had two days to respond to a voicemail in which his gf was audibly crying. Now I was pissed!
To no reply. Now I was worried. And sent this.
To no reply. At this point I started being "that girl". When I had finished with work on my house I took a trip by his place. It was roughly 5pm on Saturday and I thought even if he was working he would probably be home. He was not. His shades were drawn and a beer bottle was on the porch. I went home but the more I thought about it the more I got worried. Not answering really wasn't his personality. So I went back over around 8pm. He wasn't there again and nothing had changed with his apartment. I left no note, I didn't want to come off as crazy but I was still worried about him. I had no way to get a hold of him other then his cell phone or dropping by his place. Honestly, I could have gone full on crazy and stalked out his families number in the South but I wasn't there yet.
My sister and her BF invited me out on his boat for the day on Sunday. It was a great distraction but to get to where I was to meet them I would be driving by Tex's place. Sooooooo, I stopped in again. This time the bottle was gone and the shades were open.
PROOF OF LIFE!!! I parked and as I was getting out to go knock, who should pull in next to me but Tex.
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