That was what my doctor said to me Monday. I went in for my 3 month check up and lab tests. My tests have all come in normal since we got my arthritis under control 3 years ago. And, they came back normal this time too. My doc also didn't find any evidence of inflammation in my joints. All good. He did agree to up my meds to the last dose before I started feeling "not normal." I am the best indicator of what my body needs and how it is reacting.

We discussed taking a course of prednisone and he side eyed me while asking when my next event was. It's just a mini TRI at the end of July. He hesitated to give me the steroids because he felt I would feel too good too fast and run out and do a marathon. Does he know me or what?!
For now we're going to try just increase my MTX dose by one pill and reevaluate in 6 weeks. If I don't feel back to "normal", he will start me on a low dose of steroids. I hope this works. I hate being on the 'roids. I get all stabby. I mean, more then usual.
I ran today for the first time since the half/full and felt decent. Not normal but not terrible. I'm hoping to get a short swim in tonight after work. I'm trying to get back into BEAST mode!! Only 2 months till my first TRI this season!
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