Anyways, the point of this entry: he surprised me Thursday with a free evening and yesterday with a free 2 hours. It was quite nice since I thought this week was going to pass with out seeing him (he is the primary parent for his son and couldn't get a sitter.)
Thursday he came over late but we sat around and caught up on our weeks and then I went to bed. He stayed up and did lawyer things. Whiskey left very early Friday morning so that he could be in Michigan for court. When I got up in the morning I went into the living room to turn on lights and briefly looked at the note pad on the coffee table. No note. And I was disappointed. I didn't EVEN know I was the type of girl who wanted notes! I went in to take my shower and saw the note on my mirror. And my day was made!

I can't decide if I should try to explain what I meant or just ignore it and pretend it never happened.
Probably #2.
He did give me the login and password for his Netflix. So....win?
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