I went in today planning on doing 8 with 9 on Thursday and 10 on Friday. I adjusted that since the gym is doing 8 on Friday, I'd like to do it with everyone else. I therefore, did 9 today and will do 10 tomorrow. I also did my measurements today. I kind of wished I could do them at the end of next week since I'll be on an all liquid diet and probably will have better numbers.
ANY WAYS!! I was a little disappointed today with my WOD, not gonna lie. It was 100 burpees and 100 18# kettlebell swings. You could break it up anyway you wanted and came with a 12min time cap. I WAS SOOOO CLOSE!!! I broke mine up in 20s, 20 burpees-20 KB, 20 burpees-20 KB, etc. I had 4 KBs left when time was called. I was so mad since I had finished all of it at the start of the challenge. OR, so I thought. I just put my results in and I, in fact, did not finish last time. I failed to finish 27 burpees. This time I finished all my burpees and only missed 4 KB swings!!
Truth be told, I haven't been that good at following this paleo lifestyle this time around. Dates, weddings, long work days, work lunches, and more dates have gotten in the way. I, therefore, did not expect to lose much weight or change much physically. I was pleasantly surprised when I went down in the areas I wanted to go down in and up in the areas I wanted to go up in.
Even if I don't win anything in the actual challenge I think I still win!!
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