My original plan for this post was to talk about my 17 mile run this weekend and show you a pic of my Garmin screen with distance and time. When I went to take the pic this morning the screen was completely blank! I had hoped it was just a dead battery but when I plugged it in the screen remained blank. I have two more things to try when I get home, holding the "light" button for 6sec, or replacing the battery. If neither of those work I'm going to have to spring for a new one. BOO!! If that's the case it sucks on two levels. 1) Money. 2) I haven't synced it to my computer in quite sometime. I'll lose all that training info.
17 mile run was good, all in all. First 5 miles went fast, 10:40-10:50 pace. The next 8 were decent, normal training pace. Felt great. Knew I had the marathon in the bag! The last 4 left doubts. Probably took almost an hour to finish them. Lots of walking, quads screaming. I'm still sore today. I'll still go out for a 20 this weekend.
Now on to new things. I've gone out on two dates with a new Mark. For now we'll refer to him as Mark6.0. So far, he seems like a keeper. I have fun when I'm with him and I actually enjoy taking on the phone with him! That really hasn't been the case in a loooong time. It seems like this one may stick (at least for a bit more than 2/3 dates). We've set up a third date and have discussed things we would like to do well into August (WHAT??). Honestly, I feel as though we've been dating for a couple of months now. It's been that easy. And, he wants to join me for part of this Saturdays 20 miler. He's not up to more than 5, though.
He did throw me for a loop this past Saturday. Sitting at the bar he informed me that he wanted to "take the relationship to the next level." I seriously panicked. It's two dates! What next level is there?!
Just as I was about to order a shot for some liquid courage he said he'd like to be Facebook friends. Still, slightly panic inducing but much more doable than say, taking a trip together or meeting parents (which truthfully was also talked about.) I think he's starting to get that I have a few commitment issues but so far he's given me my space on them. I'll probably FB friend him.
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