Uh, this was the only running I did over the Thanksgiving holiday. I'm rather disappointed in myself. I honestly thought I'd do more. I even packed for 2-3 runs outside and a weight training session inside.My plan was to run Thursday and Saturday, with Friday being an optional run or weight or off day. But, i never had time!!
Her "earmuffs" have speakers in them! |
Ok, that's not entirely true. I liked waking up and having coffee over the paper with my parents. And I worked so hard on Friday's Thanksgiving that my feet and legs hurt when I woke up Saturday. I suppose I could have run Sunday morning but I chose not to. I know, I'm full of excuses. I just find it so hard to do my regular stuff when I'm out of my regular routine. BLAH! got to get back on.
On to the Turkey Trot! I ran it again this year with my sister. She's doing so well and I'm extremely proud of her. Even if this is her only race every year. she mentioned a 10K but I think she was joking.
The field was super crowded this year (2051 runners/walkers) and it didn't start thinning out till the 3rd mile. I was constatly in someones way or they were in mine. I had shin splints the first 2 miles and they were super annoying. They went away after the first 2 miles and I think they may have been due to the crowd causing me to change my gate. I'll never know but it was my worst 5k time, 35:00.
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