Saturday, June 27, 2015

Atalanta II

I put Atalanta the first to sleep last night. She was getting to be too much work. In case you don't remember Atalanta is the name I gave to my iPod shuffle. She was orange and beautiful and worked wonderfully for 4 or 5 years. But over the past year she's been crapping out a mile or two into a run, even on a fresh charge. If I reset her to factory and then reloaded her she lasted for a whole run or two.

 Last Thursday was the last straw! I was a mile into a three mile run and she completely stopped playing. It was very uncool. Right after yoga I marched over to the Apple store and purchased a new one. My plan was to get another orange one, it's a pretty color. But they had a Product (Red) one and it was candy apple red. Gorgeous!! Same price and a percent of the proceeds would go to help fight AIDS. And I'm sold.

Took her out this morning and she's wonderful!

Also, this may or may not be my new wallpaper on my phone.

1 comment:

Running Meg said...

Congrats on the new shuffle. I love that color.

And I may have drooled a bit when I saw that picture of my husband. I mean, of Tom.