The day was beautiful when I woke up, 50 and sunny. Possibly a little to windy but all in all a great day for a run. I was super excited to have a sunny run for my first 10 miler in months that I basically just ran out if the house. I was torn at first on a skirt or tights. 50 is that borderline temp where it could go either way. Since it was do windy I went with tights. But that's really all the thinking I gave this run.
I ran into problems at mile 7. Tired, hungry. My legs just were tired. I even stumbled a couple of times. It took me another mile to realize why this was happening. I forgot to GU!!!

Next week, 12!!
Oh, and I'm thinking of another tat. Although, that could be the effects of the Bon Jovi concert.
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